Who are candidates for Sedation Dentistry?

October 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:51 pm

Find out if sedation dentistry is for you.

Most people hate going to the dentist for one reason or another, but regular dental visits will help your dentist maintain your overall oral health, aside from treating problems before they arise and providing solutions to both major and minor dental issues. A lot of patients however, would rather endure the pain of a toothache than a visit to the dentist, which isn’t advisable or ideal in the long run. Few patients also know that options such as sedation dentistry exist, which can greatly help make visits to the dentist easier and sitting through an appointment stress-free. 


Do you get stressed at the thought of going to the dentist?

October 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:59 pm

Oct 11, 2022

Find out more about sedation dentistry and leave the worrying to us!

Most people hate the thought of going to the dentist, sometimes with good reason. Perhaps you had a bad experience at another clinic and can’t stand the sound of drilling, maybe you hate needles and get anxious about blood—in any case, nobody likes pain, and the idea of subjecting yourself to it can be incredibly stressful. 
